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On this page, you will see a range of hand-picked candidates we are working with to help them find their next job or contract. A Nixor team member has personally vetted each. 

If you need to grow your team, then take a look through our current profiles, if you hire regularly you can set a profile alert for the kind of developers you hire and our system will send you an email the next time we have a talent match. 

Or if you have an urgent need to hire right now, use the form below the profiles to tell us your hiring needs.

Senior Python Developer with 15 years' experience
Senior Frontend Developer 10 years experience with one business and now looking for work because of the effe...
Client chart V O L U M E O F C V ' S Q U A L I T Y O F C V ' S I N T E R V I E W N O S H O W S F A I L E D T E C H T E S T I N T E R V I E W D R O P O U T S F A I L E D I N T E R V I E W O F F E R D R O P O U T S C O U N T E R O F F E R S
Use the wheel to tell us about where in the recruitment process you feel you have success or where you struggle when hiring devs. Each category is scored one to five and you need to make a choice for each section. As we work with a host of businesses across the developer market, we’re able to help you identify where you can outdo the competition and get the best developer talent – at no cost to you.

Tell us about your talent needs

From offering the latest tech to allowing staff to wear casual clothes, you need to provide more than just money. By asking developers what motivates them, we are able to not only help you attract the relevant skills but also those individuals who match culturally. We’ll help you put your best foot forward and provide options in a highly competitive market.